EOS Launches Online Platform to Track Community Drinking Water Quality in Honduras
This past summer Engineering and Data Consultants, Jake and Victoria Reis, spent two months in Honduras working with our in-country team to launch a mobile monitoring system to provide real-time results of the community’s drinking water quality. Through the mWater online platform, our technicians will be able to record important community drinking quality results, gather photos, and relevant water system data to graphically present the drinking water quality in the Honduran communities that we serve.
In Honduras, we work with over 330 communities spanning 17 municipalities in the western corridor, providing safe water technology solutions to over 108,000 people. We have a team of Circuit Riders (field technicians and community trainers) who visit communities on a monthly basis and are critical to our success in providing safe drinking water to these communities. Each Circuit Rider manages a territory of approximately 50-60 communities and works with the Community Water Boards to provide technical assistance, community education and monitoring of the chlorinators to ensure the water is properly chlorinated and sufficient in flow.

Sample screenshot of the mWater dashboard.
Prior to launching this online platform, the Circuit Riders recorded and tracked their visits manually by paper. This involved pages and pages of data that was hard to organize and visually present statistics. Our new online dashboard now provides our team the ability to map out daily visits, see which community requires support, and effectively track their work.
“Providing the Circuit Riders with the tools they need to make their jobs easier and better was one of the most fulfilling aspects of our trip,” Jake told EOS. “We involved the Circuit Riders in a lot of the process in creating a technological solution that worked for them, getting them excited about the data and how it can be used. Opening our minds to what technology is and how it can be used is a very powerful thing” Jake said, “as it lays the foundation for whatever comes next”.
Victoria and Jake were also able to transition our water quality laboratory documentation to this same online database, allowing our team to connect historical lab results with monthly field results in one streamlined dashboard. EOS plans to provide similar training to launch the online tracking to our Nicaraguan communities next spring. Stay tuned for more information.
- In Quiscamote surveying
- Measuring the flow of one of the nature springs in Quiscamote.
- In Quiscamote, Jake and EOS Circuit Rider Willian on the third day of surveying.
To check out the new online platform click on this link.