Water Analysis
Ensuring our partner communities’ water is safe. Always.
Cova’s on the ground teams are able to quickly test the quality of water in the field, at our advanced water quality labs, and remotely via sensor-based monitoring.
Water Analysis
Ensuring our partner communities’ water is safe. Always.
Cova’s on the ground teams are able to quickly test the quality of water in the field, at our advanced water quality labs, and remotely via sensor-based monitoring.
Providing continuous and reliable in-person and remote water quality monitoring to communities.
Cova knows the importance of water quality. It is why we offer testing analysis to the rural communities that we serve. The results of the water quality serve as a roadmap for our technicians to take action to treat, protect, and make recommendations to ensure community drinking water is safe for consumption. Cova offers in-the-field, laboratory, and sensor-based water quality monitoring services to rural communities throughout Nicaragua, Honduras, and El Salvador.

On-Site Monitoring
Cova Circuit Rider Water Technicians travel to communities each month to test for the presence of chlorine and ensure the water treatment system is working correctly.
- Free Chlorine Residual Testing
- Water Tested at the Community Water Tank
- Water Tested in Multiple Community Homes
- Visual Result Demonstrating Presence of Bacteria
- Results Recorded by the Community Water Board
- Community Trained to Test Their Own Water

Laboratory Water Quality Analysis
Samples of community’s water is brought to Cova’s advanced laboratories for in-depth water quality assessment, including testing for a dozen different parameters.
- Water Securely Transported from Communities to Lab
- Community Water Tested Every 6 to 12 Months
- Labs Are Centrally Located in Honduras and Nicaragua
- Portable Labs Available for In-Depth Field Analysis
- Test for Total/Fecal Coliforms, Turbidity, Conductivity, Nitrates, Nitrites, Ammonia, pH, Free Chlorine, Total Chlorine, Arsenic, Lead, Fluoride, Iron, and other parameters as requested

Sensor-Based Monitoring
To improve water quality monitoring and circuit rider response, our remote sensors detect and alert staff and communities to lapses in chlorination in real-time.
- Continuous Remote Monitoring of Communities’ Water
- Solar Powered Sensors
- Remotely Measure pH, Oxidation-Reduction Potential
- Remotely Measure Flow and Tank Level Data
- Text Message Alerts Sent to Community and Circuit Riders
- Improved Response Time and Chlorination Uptime