Asking What If On World Water Day

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What if the world boasted an equitable distribution of resources. What if there was a collective effort to prioritize safe drinking water access over profit-driven resource extraction. What if solving global water inequity became the defining achievement of our generation.

Can You Imagine?

We can. As far as defining achievements go, solving the water crisis – one of the most pressing issues of our time – is certainly an enviable aspiration. Count us in! And while we’re not there yet, World Water Day is a day to celebrate progress made in support of Sustainable Development Goal 6: Water and Sanitation for all by 2030.

It’s also a day to raise awareness of the need — 4.4 billion people by some estimates, who continue to live without access to safe water globally. And so, on World Water Day, we raise our heads high and celebrate progress (made in no small part thanks to you!), and then we put our heads together, and we carry on, relentless in our efforts to fill the gaps.

Gaps in safe-water infrastructure and gender equity. Gaps in information and public awareness. Gaps in data and monitoring and in funding. Gaps in investment in decentralized water solutions tailored to local needs. Gaps in enforcement of water rights and effective water management.

With the cuts in US Foreign Aid, we find ourselves facing yet another gap.

The truth is that the cuts have left a gap in funding for expansion of our model into 300 new communities in Central America, for a watershed restoration program in Honduras, and for a trial to investigate the potential to scale the Circuit Rider Model at a global level.

It’s also true that we never shy away from doing more with less (as a conscientious steward of donor dollars, we even pride ourselves on it), and we are emboldened as World Water Day encourages us as a global community to work together to find answers to the global water crisis. As for questions though, we still have a few.

What if access to clean water was enforced as a fundamental human right in every country? What if communities most impacted by water inequity had more power in shaping policies and solutions? What if water access was unaffected by funding? By geography, by income, or by social status?

What if we didn’t have to pivot, to triage, to prioritize efforts to fill the gaps?

Right now, communities in Central America are facing a water crisis, and safe water access is at risk. This World Water Day, what if we asked supporters to help us mind the gap?

Your support ensures safe, life-saving water reaches communities in need. Please stand with us on World Water Day—your support is more critical than ever. Contribute today to keep safe water flowing.

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