Celebrating Strength in Every Woman’s Story

 In Updates from the field

Increasing opportunities for women and girls unlocks potential. There is strength in every woman’s story. Their stories are testaments to determination and the power of opportunity.

The right to water is the right to life itself. Women and girls are disproportionately impacted by  lack of access to water and sanitation and have a larger role relative to men in water, sanitation and hygiene activities in areas including agriculture, childcare, health, and domestic use. Recognizing the crucial role of women and girls in water collection and use at the household level demands their equal representation in broader water management and calls for engaging women and with women to ensure all voices and perspectives contribute to its governance.

Estella, Entrepreneur

When Estella started her corner store in El Pelon, Honduras, she sold only sugar and coffee. Now, chlorine tablets are among the many items that pack the shelves of her small space. As past treasurer of her own community’s water board, Estella was responsible for purchasing the chlorine used to treat the water piped to each home, removing harmful bacteria. When she opened her store, working with Cova to serve as a chlorine bank to ensure available supply to surrounding communities was a natural fit. For Estella, providing this support of safe drinking water gives motivation and extra meaning to her entrepreneurship.

Claribel, Plumber

In La Esperanza, a community in northwest Nicaragua whose name translates as Hope, Claribel channels her own hope for her community into her role as plumber on the water board. She takes advantage of the workshops and trainings provided by Cova circuit riders, and as she walks us through the mechanisms of the system, stepping over and around the blue well head piping and meters and valves that snake through the fenced area below the water tank, talking maintenance and troubleshooting, her confidence and commitment to her community responsibility is evident. It looks a lot like pride.

Cova’s programs foster safe spaces for women to take their rightful place in roles that matter and in matters that impact them profoundly. International Women’s Day is March 8th, and we celebrate inspiring women who are taking on critical roles that ensure safe water for families.

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