Impact. But make it Extraordinary.

 In Impact Update, Updates from the field

Though we are sharing but a one-page Impact Report (see below) to show you the impact of your generosity in 2023, the truth is that your support last year alone is writing entire chapters for more than 260,000 people, turning tales of adversity into narratives of triumph.

Your support in 2023 is just the beginning of the safe-water story for 282 more communities — communities like El Paraíso in Nicaragua, San Jerónimo in Honduras, and San Esteban Catarina in El Salvador. These communities, once burdened by waterborne illnesses, are on course to improved health and opportunity, to children attending school regularly, and to parents engaging in income-generating activities with renewed energy .

In the past year, our circuit riders made almost 5,000 community visits, working collaboratively to overcome challenges that seemed insurmountable. Your generous donations allowed us to implement water treatment initiatives in communities where access to safe drinking water was a daily struggle. Local residents on community water boards actively participated in the process, ensuring the sustainability of the projects you helped fund. This empowerment is a testament to the transformative nature of your generosity.

We look forward to building upon the successes of simple safe water solutions with your continued support. Together, we can script more stories of resilience, triumph, and sustainable change.

Thank you for your extraordinary generosity in 2023!

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