Communities lift communities
As the sun rises over Dulce Nombre in Intibuca, Honduras, day laborers walk out of their homes and into fields. Planting grains and harvesting coffee for local landowners is honest work. It is hard work. It is hot work. Perspiration tempts dehydration under the heat of the oppressive sun. But water, carried from homes into the dry landscapes, quenches thirsts without hesitation. Unconditionally, enthusiastically, almost joyfully.
But this wasn’t always the case.
The water in Dulce Nombre once brought risk with its refreshment. It brought illness alongside its relief. But since the installation of a community water tank chlorinator, water is consumed here without reservation.

The Water Board, newly organized to maintain, operate, and provide long-term safe and sustainable drinking water, reports that the community as a whole is healthier. The Water Board is comprised of both men and women. While it is often men who find themselves in the fields, it is often women – caretakers of children and households – whose workload increases exponentially when illness strikes. Clean water keeps kids in school.
It is safe to say that every community member in Dulce Nombre has a vested interest in clean water. Plumbers hired by the Water Board provide monitoring, water testing, and tank cleaning to ensure the community has continual access to safe water, and EOS Circuit Riders keep in regular contact.
It is this contact from EOS Circuit Riders that president of the Water board, Don Francisco Paz, grandfather of two boys, appreciates the most about working with EOS. The community is not alone. EOS continues to provide support and assistance in water quality monitoring, training, and technical assistance.
Communities are lifted when they are not only empowered, but also strengthened. As an EOS supporter, you are connected to Dulce Nombre. You are part of the EOS community helping to lift another community up – helping to lift over 1,800 communities!
Clean water lifts communities. And communities lift communities.